Grow and get certified with free courses on the Santander Open Academy platform!


Meet Santander Open Academy

Santander Open Academy - is a global, free educational platform through which the Santander Group pursues its mission to support you in your development. You will find there courses, scholarships and financial rewards, as well as educational materials to develop your professional skills and increase your employability.

Find something for every developmental stage!

- Courses with limited places and a selection process - These are courses for which we recruit in areas such as language, technical and soft skills -> CHECK!

- Courses with immediate access, without a selection process - These are courses that can be done ‘on the spot’. Choices include digital tools, English or soft skills -> CHECK!

- Educational materials - Educational materials such as e-books, audiobooks, podcasts or videos are also available on the platform -> CHECK!

 Santander couses offers many interesting programmes with prestigious partners such as the British Council, eTutor, London School of Economics, Harvard Business School Publishing and Polish universities. Among the proposals will be the competences of the future:

  • foreign languages - online couses provided by eTutor and the British Council, Open Mundo and other English-language programmes on topics such as finding a job in the global market;
  • digital competences and tools - intensive online courses in programming, Excel, SQL, BigDate, automation, online marketing, use of digital tools in daily work, etc. These will be organised with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, among others;
  • soft skills - here you will find projects with, among others, the London School of Economy or Esade on teamwork, leadership skills, communication, negotiation, emotional intelligence.

Santander Open Academy in a nutshell

  • free platform,
  • courses with immediate access for anyone over 16,
  • courses with limited places for anyone over 18,
  • regardless of educational level,
  • you do not have to be a Santander Group customer,
  • you receive a certificate after completing the couse.

Register for Santander Open Academy and open the door to a future full of opportunities!


For 27 years, Santander Group has been supporting society to develop and build a better future

In 1996, the Santander Group launched a pioneering initiative to support education, labour market entry and entrepreneurship. Its aim is to support local communities in the development of professional competences that will improve their position in the labour market and, consequently, our collective future.

The Bank's involvement in Poland in numbers:


Status as of 19.01.2024.

We encourage you to find out more about the currently ongoing programmes at Santander Open Academy.

Made by OPTeam S.A.

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